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Our Experienced Edmonton Dentists Help You Smile with Confidence

Our Mission

To provide you with excellence in dental care while making your experience at our dental offices in Edmonton a comfortable and pleasant one. We want you to have healthy teeth and a beautiful smile for life.

Full-Service Dentistry in Edmonton, AB

Our Team

When you visit Saddleback Dental Centre, you’ll find a well-trained team that is passionate about dental care and working with the latest in equipment and technology. You can learn more about our team of Edmonton dental experts on our Our Team tab. Our dental offices in Edmonton provide full-service dentistry, taking care of your teeth with regular preventative dental care, and resolving any problems that may develop for you.

Gain Confidence with Cosmetic Dental Procedures

For that beautiful smile that inspires confidence – both from you and in you – we provide an extensive range of cosmetic dental procedures at our dental clinic in Edmonton. From teeth whitening to aesthetic enhancements, we can revise the shape, size, color, and appearance of your teeth. If you have yellowed, misshapen, or otherwise problematic teeth, come to our dental offices in Edmonton, and learn how we can help.

Your Edmonton Reconstructive Dental Centre

Saddleback Dental Centre offers complete reconstructive services including orthodontics, dentures, root canals, gum treatment, crowns and bridgework, porcelain inlays and onlays, and dentures implants. Functionality is our first priority. We do work that lasts and ultimately improves the health of your teeth. If you have chipped, missing, or damaged teeth, call our dental clinic in Edmonton and schedule an appointment.

You Have Options at Saddleback Dental Centre

Our staff will always address questions or concerns thoroughly with you and discuss all options and costs before treatment begins. We value your time, and we know that, while you value the results of great dental care, you’d prefer to skip ahead to the part where you’re finished as soon as possible. We promise to complete your care quickly and efficiently so that you can go from our dental offices in Edmonton back to your normal life as soon as possible. We also promise to give you the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your treatment.

We’re Big Believers in Comprehensive Care