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Affordable Tooth Replacement at Saddleback Dental Centre

A missing tooth can have serious implications for your oral health. For example, when you lose a tooth, your jawbone structure begins to deteriorate. If you wait too long to replace the tooth, so much of the jawbone structure will erode that tooth replacement becomes complicated. That’s why you should take action as soon as possible. At Saddleback Dental Centre in South Edmonton, AB, we offer various missing tooth replacement options, whether you are missing one or multiple teeth. We offer both temporary tooth replacement and permanent options. Our team makes the process convenient. We will walk you through all of your options for affordable tooth replacement in South Edmonton so you can make the best choice for your health. Whether you have just lost a tooth or have been missing teeth for years, we can help.

Tooth Replacement in in Edmonton, AB

Benefits of Dental Implants

A missing tooth affects your general health. When you are missing a tooth, you put more pressure on your remaining teeth. This can cause premature wear, damage, and even loss. When you are missing a tooth, you may avoid eating certain foods, so you may miss out on key nutrients. Tooth replacement restores your oral health, which in turn restores your overall health. There are other distinct benefits to dental implants, including:

  • Correct Bite – If you are missing a tooth, it could affect the alignment of your bite, making it difficult for you to eat certain foods. A dental implant may help restore your healthy bite.
  • Permanent Options – Dental implants are permanent options. This means no fiddling with dentures and not having to replace bridges.

The Dental Implant Process

The concept of tooth replacement can be intimidating, but the process is routine. If you are interested in dental implants, you’ll need to know what the process involves:

  • First, an apparatus that mimics the role of the root of your tooth is implanted into the jawbone.
  • An abutment is then connected to the implant. The abutment is what secures the artificial tooth to the implant.
  • Finally, the artificial tooth is secured to the abutment. Shaping and fitting the artificial tooth may take recurring appointments to achieve uniformity with your existing teeth.

How to Avoid the Need for Tooth Replacement

Of course, it is always better to avoid tooth replacement when possible. While we work hard to offer our patients convenient, and affordable tooth replacement options, we also want to see them maintain good oral hygiene. Here are some tips to avoid the need for tooth replacement:

  • Brush after every meal
  • Floss at least once a day
  • Use an antiseptic mouthwash
  • As much as possible, avoid sugary foods and drinks
  • Keep up with your regular dental appointments
  • Don’t go to bed with dirty teeth

Let’s Discuss Your Tooth Replacement Options

When you come to use for tooth replacement in South Edmonton, AB, you give yourself multiple options. Our goal is to meet your specific tooth replacement needs, whether a bridge, dentures, dental implant, metal partial, fixed bridge, or flipper is the best choice. Our staff and doctors will gladly walk you through your options so you can have a healthy, beautiful smile. Talk to our team to learn about how we can help you with your tooth replacement needs.

We’re Big Believers in Comprehensive Care