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We Can Brighten Your Smile

Saddleback Dental Centre believes everyone should experience the confidence that comes with a bright, beautiful smile. Whether you are meeting with colleagues, posing for pictures, or sharing a meal with your partner, we want you to flash your pearly whites with pride. To ensure you are comfortable doing so, we offer teeth whitening services in North and South Edmonton, AB. We aim to provide exceptional dentistry services to all of our patients, whether they visit us for general or cosmetic needs. We recognize that the appearance and health of your teeth are connected and equally important, so we cover all the bases. Our team is eager to help you improve the look of your teeth. Call us today to learn more about teeth whitening services.

Teeth Whitening in Edmonton, AB

What Is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure by which Saddleback Dental Centre can lighten the color of your teeth. Many patients from throughout Edmonton, AB visit us to remedy the effects of years of drinking coffee or red wine, smoking, and other factors. Though teeth whitening is not a permanent solution, it will immediately improve the color of your teeth. White teeth look great and can boost your confidence.

Indications You May Need Teeth Whitening Services

Your oral health habits play a significant role in the health and appearance of your teeth. Tooth discolouration is a gradual process, so you may not notice your teeth yellowing as it happens. Eventually, you will look in the mirror and see a reflection that you do not recognize. You are used to seeing white teeth on television screens and movies, but yours may not look the same. Signs you may need to visit Saddleback Dental Centre for teeth whitening services include:

  • Reluctance to smile in public – Many people are embarrassed by yellow or discoloured teeth. If you are ashamed to smile or laugh in public, consider teeth whitening services.
  • Smoking behaviors – If you are a smoker, the nicotine in your cigarettes is continually darkening your teeth.
  • Drinking habits – A glass of red wine at the end of a long day or a cup of joe to start your morning may be part of your routine, but they can also lead to discoloured teeth.
  • Preparation – Even if you have relatively white teeth, we can lighten them by a shade or two in advance of a big business meeting or appearance.

Our Teeth Whitening Process

We use a powerful bleaching gel to whiten our patients’ teeth. Depending on the color of your teeth and your teeth whitening goals, our skilled dentists will help you choose the formula that is right for you. Prior to applying the bleaching gel, we will perform a thorough oral exam. We will need to fill any cavities before beginning the teeth whitening process because the bleaching gel can cause damage if it leaks into them. After we are sure your teeth and mouth are ready, we will apply the bleaching gel using a mouth tray. This painless, single-treatment process is ideal because it provides immediate results so that you can leave our North and South Edmonton office grinning from ear to ear.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Saddleback Dental Centre wants you to be proud of your appearance, and we believe teeth whitening can help. Among the benefits of professional teeth whitening services are:

  • Enhanced Appearance – The most noticeable advantage of teeth whitening is an enhanced appearance and smile.
  • Minimizes the Look of Wrinkles – Individuals who are self-conscious about facial wrinkles notice whiter teeth draws attention away from frown lines, scars, and more.
  • Improved Confidence – With beautiful, white teeth, people are more inclined to smile, laugh, and participate in social settings.
  • No Harm – Under the care of professionals at Saddleback Dental Centre, you can rest assured your white teeth will not come at the expense of damaged enamel or gums.

Why You Should Choose Saddleback Dental Centre?

Our team is committed to providing exceptional teeth whitening services in a comfortable setting. We are proud to serve patients who have varying shades of teeth. Whether you need to lighten your teeth by a single shade or need considerable help removing years of stains, we can help. Our dentists will inform you about our process and perform it efficiently. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Contact Saddleback Dental Centre for Teeth Whitening Today

Everyone deserves to have white teeth and a beautiful smile. But certain foods, drinks, and habits may cause tooth discoloration over time. If this has happened to you, rely on the dentists at Saddleback Dental Centre. We provide teeth whitening services in North and South Edmonton, AB to restore our patients’ confidence and appearance. Contact us today for a consultation.

We’re Big Believers in Comprehensive Care