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Oral Health Checkup in Edmonton, AB

It is important to be in tune with your body so that when there are subtle changes, you will be able to notice them and properly treat any issues. Your oral health is particularly important to be aware of because small noticeable changes can indicate bigger problems and also progress quickly.

Taking good care of your oral health starts with a regular oral hygiene routine. Brushing twice daily, flossing and using mouthwash every day will help you become familiar with your teeth, gums, and overall mouth health. Your consistency will pay off with better dental health, cleaner teeth, fresh breath and a higher likelihood that you will be able to identify the warning signs of oral health issues.

6 Oral Health Warning Signs You Should Not Ignore

If you encounter any of the following oral health warning signs or need to see an emergency dentist in Edmonton, contact Saddleback Dental Clinic. Our team of dental professionals can treat your symptoms, find a solution and answer any questions you may have about your oral health. Don’t take the following warning signs lightly or suffer through the symptoms:

  1. Extremely Dry Mouth – Saliva helps to clean your teeth and protect your enamel. If you have been experiencing extremely dry mouth from a change in medication or other unknown cause, visit your dentist as soon as possible.
  2. Bleeding or Inflamed Gums – If your gums are sore, bleeding or visibly inflamed, it is usually a sign of gingivitis that has progressed. Luckily, gum disease can be treated and reversed, but you will want to get it treated quickly to lower your risk of developing an infection. Gum disease can also lead to other physical health problems and has been linked to cardiovascular disease, so getting it under control with the help of your dentist is important.
  3. Bad Breath – If you notice persistent or severe bad breath develop, it could be caused by many different factors. Speaking with your family dentist in Edmonton will help you determine if lifestyle habits are to blame, or if there is a bigger underlying issue. In either case, your dentist will be able to develop an oral hygiene routine that helps or provide you with another treatment method.
  4. Tooth Loss – Tooth loss is a tough warning sign to ignore. Visit your dentist if you lose an adult tooth. If it happens due to impact, try to limit bleeding by keeping the pressure on the gums and salvage the tooth by keeping it in milk or saliva as you go to receive immediate treatment.
  5. Jaw Pain – Jaw pain often signals nerve issues, so getting to a dentist as soon as possible can allow you to identify the problem and avoid more costly dental surgery down the line.
  6. Lumps – Lumps may indicate a severe problem or nothing at all. Getting any lumps in your mouth checked is important to determine the difference and give you peace of mind.

Visit Saddleback Dental Centre in South Edmonton for any of these or other oral health concerns. From routine teeth cleaning to cosmetic dentistry, our team of dental professionals is here to support every aspect of your dental health. We provide a range of friendly oral health services and are committed to providing the best treatment for your entire family. Contact us today to see how our dentists in our South Edmonton clinic can help you.