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Ways to Prevent Gingivitis by Saddleback Dental Centre in Edmonton, AB

It seems to be mentioned in every oral hygiene commercial, and for good reason: 7 out of 10 Canadians will deal with gum disease at some point in their lives. Gingivitis or gum disease can cause discomfort, sensitivity, and a host of other health issues if left untreated. If you are concerned about the health of your gums or simply want to learn more about how to prevent this common oral health problem, Saddleback Dental Clinic in South Edmonton can help get you on the road to recovery and answer your questions about gingivitis.

FAQ: 5 Common Questions about Gingivitis

Understanding more about gingivitis can help you keep it at bay. Here are five common questions that will give you an overview of the causes, concerns and preventative measures you can take to tackle gum disease:

  1. What is gingivitis? – Gingivitis, or the more general term gum disease, refers to the inflammation of the gums. While it is unpleasant, the good news is that this condition is reversible. It can be treated with proper care and a good oral hygiene routine.
  2. What causes gum disease? – Plaque and tartar buildup that rests on and in between teeth can irritate the edge of your gums, causing gum disease. If left untreated, a bacterial infection can result and create bigger issues.
  3. How can I tell if I have gingivitis? – Depending on your mouth, gums may appear puffy or red and you may notice bleeding when you brush your teeth. Some people don’t notice symptoms, as they can be subtle. Any change in the size or color of your gums, sensitivity, or traces of blood on your toothbrush may indicate gingivitis. Talk to your family dentist in Edmonton to determine if you have gum disease and the degree to which it has progressed. If the degree of your gum disease is severe, he may refer you to a periodontist for emergency treatment.
  4. What are the side effects? – Many people with gingivitis do not experience any discomfort, but if the condition is left untreated, it can lead to infection and even tooth loss. The appearance of your gums, which may look irritated and inflamed, is the most common side-effect of early gum disease.
  5. How can I prevent gum disease? – Prevention is the best method to deal with gingivitis. Brush your teeth and tongue twice daily, and floss each and every day to remove the buildup of plaque that causes problems. Visiting your dentist for regular teeth cleaning and checkups will help catch early signs of gum disease and start you off with an oral hygiene routine suited to the unique needs of your teeth.

Visit Saddleback Dental Centre in South Edmonton for teeth cleaning to catch gingivitis before it causes bigger problems. Our team of experienced and friendly dental professionals can help you take care of your teeth, gums, and any oral hygiene concerns you have. Our clinic offers a range of services, from cosmetic dentistry to emergency dental services. Contact us today to book your next appointment!