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Relationship between Oral and Heart Health

Most people are aware that heart disease is a leading cause of death in North America. What many fail to recognize, however, is the correlation between their oral health and their heart health. If you or your loved one is at risk for heart problems, taking care of their oral hygiene and health with regular dental checkups can help lower their risk of developing cardiovascular issues.

Your heart and your mouth may seem far apart, but understanding the relationship between the two can help you reduce your risk for heart disease. Take a proactive approach to your heart health and commit to a healthy lifestyle alongside an effective oral hygiene routine with the help of a family dental clinic in South Edmonton.

What’s the Connection? Understanding Oral Health and Heart Health

If you are wondering how flossing can help improve your overall health, here are a few points to help you understand how your mouth and your cardiovascular system are connected:

Correlating Disease – Studies have shown links between periodontal disease, also commonly referred to as gum disease or gingivitis, and heart conditions such as heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. While causation has not been proven, there is strong evidence that connects the condition of your heart and arteries with your oral health.

How They Connect – There are two hypotheses for the strong connection between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease. The first is that the bacteria that causes gum inflammation travels through the bloodstream, releasing toxins that aid in the formation of plaque in the arteries. The second explanation is that gingivitis causes the liver to produce an increased amount of certain proteins, inflaming blood vessels which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Identifying Symptoms – If you notice persistent bad breath, swollen or tender gums, blood when you brush your teeth, receding gums or loose teeth, you may have periodontal disease and should visit your dental clinic in South Edmonton to be properly diagnosed and treated. A thorough cleaning and regular oral hygiene routine will help ensure your gum disease is properly managed and does not progress further.

Getting Proper Treatment – If you already suffer from heart disease, or are at risk for developing it, it is important to communicate openly with your dentist to ensure your dental treatments account for your condition and other medications. Provide a list of your medications to your dentist, including prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, and any supplements you are taking. You may require antibiotics for certain treatments if you have certain heart conditions, so be sure to provide your dentist in South Edmonton with a detailed and updated list of your medications and diagnoses.

Support your cardiovascular and overall health with consistent and professional oral hygiene. Visit the Edmonton dentists at Saddleback Dental Centre to get regular check-ups, special treatments and, professional dental care. Our professional and friendly team is dedicated to supporting your health.

Visit our dental clinic in South Edmonton today. You can reach us at 780 437-4872 or contact us online.