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Root Canal Treatment in Edmonton, AB

When you have an infection in the nerves of your tooth, a dentist can perform a root canal treatment in order to save the tooth and stop the infection from spreading. The dentist removes the infected tissue and repairs the tooth so that it doesn’t have to be pulled. There are a few things that you should know in order to prepare yourself for an oral surgery like a root canal treatment.

Do I Need a Root Canal?

A root canal procedure is done when a tooth has become infected, or abscessed. The most common symptom of an abscessed tooth is a pain but there are a few other symptoms that may point to the presence of an infection. Some of the most common root canal symptoms include:

  • a fever;
  • an open sore anywhere on the gums surrounding the tooth;
  • sensitivity to hot and/or cold foods;
  • bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth;
  • red or swollen gums;
  • swelling anywhere in the neck or jaw;
  • unexplained malaise.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your dentist in South Edmonton immediately. If you need an appointment after office hours, there are many emergency dentists in Edmonton and the surrounding areas that are available to help you. Delaying treatment may result in the permanent loss of your tooth.

Root Canal Treatment

Remember, a root canal procedure is not painful. The pain that is associated with a root canal is actually caused by the infection, not the treatment. The purpose of a root canal treatment is to eliminate that pain. With that in mind, here are a few things that your dentist will do before, during, and after a root canal procedure.

Before a root canal your dentist will:
  • probe your teeth with a dental pick to check for painful areas;
  • inspect your gums for redness, swelling, or open sores;
  • take an x-ray of your mouth.
During a root canal your dentist will:
  • apply an anesthetic to the affected area;
  • make an opening in the top of your tooth in order to remove the infected pulp;
  • remove the infected parts of the tooth using water irrigation and a special file;
  • fill the opening made during the operation with a special dental sealant;
  • make a follow-up appointment to give you a permanent filling.
After a root canal your dentist will:
  • make sure everything is healing properly;
  • determine if further treatment is required;
  • place a permanent filling or crown over the tooth;
  • offer advice on preventative dental hygiene.
Schedule Regular Checkups with Your Dentist in South Edmonton

The best way to maintain your oral hygiene is to schedule regular bi-annual checkups to avoid any further dental complications. Many patients associate root canal treatments with a removal of their tooth, but that is not the case. Your dentist is trying to save the tooth by cleaning and shaping the canals of the tooth. Make an appointment with one of the dentists at Saddleback Dental Clinic in South Edmonton today to learn more about this therapy. We also offer emergency dental services if you require after-hours dental assistance.